Readings (Personal)

Answers to your questions

Help taking a step

Take away fear

Do you know the feeling of seeing the light through the keyhole, but not knowing where the key is?

In life we ​​sometimes encounter situations that are not always pleasant, or that do not always run smoothly. Situations that evoke uncertainty or fear or that require answers or insights.

"Is my wife/husband still suitable for me", "Is love still coming my way", "I can't put my finger on it, but something is not right somewhere", "Why don't things turn out the way I envision them have” or “What is my life purpose?”

Margreet van Veen is clear in seeing, hearing, knowing, feeling, smelling and tasting. As a psychic/medium, she connects all the information she receives (from the present, past and future) and translates it into one appropriate whole.
From the moment she discovered her gifts, she consciously started working with her guides. Every person has a number of guides who guide him/her. Each team of guides has one main guide and each main guide has a special bond with the person he/she guides. A main guide is the one who accompanies you throughout your life and stays with you throughout your life. As a medium, Margreet mainly works with her main guide. When specific topics are discussed, her main guide works with other guides. This allows her to receive more specific information and provide specific answers to questions.

Just as guides can specialize in certain subjects, Margreet has also specialized as a medium. Because she has always found it important that theory and practice are one, she has immersed herself in knowledge about people and behavior from the start. First through books and courses and later through her own research.

As a medium, Margreet not only brings together the present, past and future, but she can also make contact with the deceased. Sometimes it is difficult to close a process or you are still left with a certain feeling or question after a loved one has gone to heaven. If you have an unanswered question or want to reconnect with a loved one who has died or are stuck in the process, that one moment can help you move on or close off a certain feeling. Margreet can help you with this by bringing together past and present and making contact with your loved one.

Margreet does not make statements about diseases, health and pregnancies. If you have any questions about this, she will refer you to your doctor or specialist.

What can Margreet do for you? contact us with Margreet.

About Margreet van Veen

Portrait photo Margreet van Veen

Margreet has been working as a psychic, medium, magnetizer and coach/counselor since 2008. She provides readings & healings and advice in various areas all over the world. Creating peace, clarity, insights and healing is Margreet's starting point. Where in the past she mainly focused on people and behavior, she has expanded this to people and identity. Each person's identity determines many of the steps he or she takes. Someone's identity, how it is formed and how someone portrays his/her identity in daily life also has a major influence on our body, mind and soul. To create a balance in these force fields, Margreet not only gives readings and healings, but she also works with other methods so that everyone can create the optimal situation or rediscover the optimal connection with themselves.

If you want to know whether Margreet can do something for you, look further on this website or contact us.

What people say about Margreet

“Dear Margreet. When you told me how the reconnection journey would take place and what it would do, it sounded good, but I couldn't imagine it. We are now 2 weeks further after the 1st session and I really feel reborn. I literally and figuratively look at the world differently. The first week I was very tired, but now I feel an inner peace that is always present. The exercises you gave afterwards all keep you calm. And fresh.”

“The reconnection was very nice. I was able to go deep into all the layers of my emotions and Margreet guided us well through it together with her husband and the guitarist who provided the music. In addition, a perfume was also used that you could choose yourself based on what you thought suited you. This was applied during the reconnection and helped enormously to relax even more and to reconnect with yourself. Highly recommended!"

“Thanks for the session! As I said, absolutely great! I am very impressed with how the three of you are doing...I thought the guitarist was really great! I also thought it was special how much difference those stones made. Good luck and thank you again for your energy and strength with which you do all this as well as Paul and the guitarist. Have a nice weekend, sweetheart!”

Margreet van Veen

Psychic, medium, magnetizer and coach/counselor

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Margreet van Veen - Psychic, medium, magnetizer and coach

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